The Origin
In January, 2003, a friend
of Raiza's stopped by raving about the "Magic" Crème claiming
dramatic reduction of wrinkles. Dr. Jon learned that his wife
had been buying the Crème from a friend in Barcelona for over 20
years. When he asked the price, she changed the subject.
He had it analyzed. Raiza had 1,080 two ounce jars
produced. 500 volunteers were accepted to beta test it.
As you will see on these pages, the results are astonishing.
Raiza ordered 100,000 jars. When she offered
to appoint distributors, all 100,000 jars were taken in five days.
In less than three months an idea has become an international
Raiza Crème will be available for ordering on April
15, 2003.
Liver spot on hand
vanishing. Amazing! Jon J. Brooks, M.D.
 After 3 weeks
 Lines also lighter
One should note that results vary. While many have
reported what appear to be overnight miracles, others notice no
instant benefit other than they love the light scent, texture and
feel of the creme. If you have a 10X mirror, check closely in the
first few days and you may clearly see improvement.
Raisa, I am 78 years old, pretty
active and do look younger than my age. I've been looking in the
mirror daily, and altho I saw a little change, I couldn't tell if it
was my imagination or wishful thinking. Tonight my daughter (age 54)
came to share dinner, and she kept looking at me strangely, finally
she said, "what have you been doing? You look great - it's your
skin!" Clair, Los Gatos CA
While the reports and unretouched photos on these
pages are from real people, there is NO acceptable clinical evidence
that Raiza Crème has efficacy to treat or cure any disease.
Distributors enter
password protected site Distributors note: If you are not
getting company letters please notify us.
If you want to be informed of the progress of this project and
learn how to get a free sample, subscribe to my list Click
here to subscribe
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~Natural, HypoAllergenic and Affordable~
Raiza Crème© is
worldwide. Distributors in the USA, Canada, The U.K.,
Germany, Austria, Portugal, Switzerland, South Africa, Australia,
Taiwan, Indonesia
 Compare one 2 oz jar of Raiza
Crème© with
Estee Lauder © Day Creme, Night
Creme, Hydration Creme, Anti-wrinkle, Re Nutriv © and Eye
creme which cost you a combined total of $465.00?
Is it
possible that just ONE white jar containing Pure, Natural,
Hypoallergenic Raiza Crème© can replace all the
expensive cremes? The answer is an emphatic
"YES!" Over 500 beta testers think it is a
miracle. Liver spots? Watch them slowly
vanish. Wrinkles soften & start to diminish in the first
week! Infections, eczema, psoriasis? Just try it.
Other amazing results are still being
The best part?
Raiza Crème©
There are no petroleum
distillates which are potentially very harmful to the skin.
These are usually found in products which do diminish wrinkles
overnight. It is a temporary fix as they return within 24 hours.
Neiman Marcus® sells the most
expensive brands.
Le Mer ® $ 90.00 less than 1 oz. Re Vive® $120.00 for 2 oz. Natura
Bisse® $300.00 1.7 oz. Estee Lauder's Re
Nutriv® $250.00 1.7 oz. Estee Lauder's
Diminish® $90.00 less than 1 oz.
Raiza Crème© shares ingredients with some of the
expensive cremes, we don't share their exorbitant
NONE contains the secret of Raiza Crème
Raiza Crème© is available in fine stores
for the MSRP of $85.00. It is also available distributor direct
to you at special prices.
RaizaCreme is $30, Postage Paid
To Order Contact Us either by email, phone, or write us.
Donna Blasor-Bernhardt
P.O. Box 61
Tok, Alaska 99780
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